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28 January 2020
Munich, Germany
Best of UK Cyber in Munich

Best of UK Cyber in Munich

B2B Matchmaking 


Welcome to Best of UK Cyber in Munich your opportunity to speed date with German corporates and resellers.

Meetings can be set up from 7 January. On top of the page you see all relevant links. Additional participants will follow, check for updates regularly! You can also offer your solutions and products on the market place.

Contact Us  

Frank Ambos, Senior Trade Adviser, Technology

Jane Kirz, Trade Adviser, Technology

Closed since 27 January 2020
Rohde & Schwarz, Mühldorfstr.15, 81671 Munich
Organised by
Participants 41
Meetings 56
United Kingdom 22
Germany 20
Total 42
Profile views
Before event 1116
After event 67
Total 1183