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28 January 2020
Munich, Germany
Best of UK Cyber in Munich

About DIT Germany

Frank Ambos, Senior Trade Adviser, Technology
frank.ambos@mobile.trade.gov.uk  (on paternity leave until end of Nov)

Jane Kirz, Trade Adviser, Technology

DIT provides trade and investment services and practical support. We help UK companies succeed in Germany, and German companies set up and invest in the UK.

  • We offer expertise and contacts through our extensive network of specialists in the UK, and staff in the British Embassy in Berlin and offices located in Duesseldorf and Munich.
  • Set up a business and invest in the UK
  • Discover investment opportunities and learn how your business can set up and grow in the UK on great.gov.uk.
  • Buy from the UK
  • Find exceptional and creative UK trade partners with the DIT’s Find a Supplier service.
  • Export to Germany from the UK
  • UK companies can increase their sales, growth and stability by selling to Germany.

DIT provides:

  • first time exporter guidance
  • export opportunities
  • support and advice from trade experts
  • events for exporters and international buyers
  • export finance and related guidance

About Munich Network

We accelerate innovation by networking and bringing together worldwide relevant players who otherwise might not discover each other.
Munich Network is a “non-profit” organization and is independent and neutral. Our focus is exclusively to help you as a player in the Innovation Game.
Independent of your innovation role, please come and join us! With our help, you will certainly benefit from increased speed and dynamic interaction.


About Accenture and the IIoT lab

Accenture is a global management consulting, technology services and outsourcing company

Accenture IIoT Lab 

Enter the new industrial world at the IIoT Innovation Center in Garching Industry X.0 is the next technology area in the Industrial Internet of Things – the Digital Reinvention of Industry. Businesses must prepare now to use advanced digital technologies enabled by ecosystems to transform operations, workforce, customer experiences and business models. It’s about more efficient, connected and intelligent R&D, engineering, manufacturing and business support that unlocks new revenue opportunities.The future is reality in the IIoT Innovation Center in Garching. Welcome to a co-creation environment on 1400m2 shop floor with industry and business relevant IIoT use cases “in action” and 600m2 workshop and design thinking facilities that drive and foster innovation. Here you team up with Accenture’s Industry X.0 subject matter experts and our ecosystem partners, a network of well-established IIoT market players, respected academic institutions and innovative start-ups. Collaboratively we imagine, explore and invent breakthrough solutions to transform the entire value chain of our industrial clients and develop solutions that boost agility, deliver new insights through digitalization and generate new growth.Come join us and get ready for the Digital Reinvention of Industry.

Closed since 27 January 2020
Rohde & Schwarz, Mühldorfstr.15, 81671 Munich
Organised by
Participants 41
Meetings 56
United Kingdom 22
Germany 20
Total 42
Profile views
Before event 1116
After event 67
Total 1183